Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Get Married?

First, we get married because it is a human requirement. It is a human nature that we can't deny. We need to love others and at the same time, we need also somebody to love us.  Also, marriage is the way that Allah has bestowed upon us for us to fulfill our sexual requirement. Our partner is halal(legal) for us. 

Secondly, we get married for the purposes of continuation the human being. Once you get married, you will plan to have children. Then, when your children get married, they also will plan for having children. So that, the human race will not perish from the planet's earth.

Thirdly, we get married as it is the process towards good civilization. If we trace back the history of any civilization, you will see and understand that the core of civilization is the society. And the core of society is family. So, by have the marriage, having a husband, a wife, and children and nurture them to be good person, it means we built a good family and human resources that will benefit the society, the ummah.

"Husband to be respect, Wife to be protect,
 Children to be nurture, Life to be savior."

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I'm Muslim
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I still alive
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I can breath
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I'm healty
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I'm complete physically
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I've house
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I've good parents
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I can eat
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I can drink
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I got clothing
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I've job
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I can go to school
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I'm leave in peace
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I can have my entertainment
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I've many friends
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I can sleep tight
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah, I have fresh air
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah
Ya Allah..Alhamdulillah!

Advice for Muslim Women

Salam Ukhuwwah fillah....
semoga semua dalam rahmatNYA....

dari petikan....

Wanita Muslimah sebagai seorang da’ie yang menyeru menuju Allah SWT di barisan perempuan dengan kalimah bahasa yang baik, saling hormat jiran-tetangga, secara Islami. Dia juga melakukan apa yang ia katakan, dan berusaha untuk menyelamatkan diri dan saudaranya dari azab Allah Swt.

Sabda Nabi saw :
"Sesungguhnya bila Allah memberikan hidayah kepada satu orang lantaran anda, itu lebih baik bagi anda daripada harta yang termahal." (HSR. Bukhari dan Muslim).

Wanita Muslimah senantiasa menjaga hatinya dari perkara syubhat (yang samar) dan syahwat serta menjaga matanya dari perkara yang haram. Menjaga telinganya dari perkataan buruk dan dosa. Menjaga anggota tubuh seluruhnya dari penyimpangan. Dan mengetahui bahwa yang demikian ini adalah taqwa.

Sabda Rasulullah (yang bermaksud):
"Malulah kalian kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya. Barangsiapa yang malu kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya niscaya dia akan menjaga kepala dan apa yang ada di dalamnya dan (menjaga) perut dan apa yang dimuatnya. Dan barangsiapa yang mengingat kematian dan kebinasaan, dia akan meninggalkan perhiasan kehidupan dunia."
(HR. Ahmad, Tirmidzi, Hakim).

" Wanita Muslimah memelihara waktunya agar tidak terbuang sia-sia, menjaga siang hari atau malamnya agar tidak bersia-sia. Dia menjauhkan diri dari ghibah (menggunjing), namimah (mengadu domba), ataupun mencaci, dan hal-hal yang tidak berguna lainnya.

Allah berfirman (yang bermaksud):
"Dan jauhilah orang-orang yang menjadikan agama mereka sebagai permainan dan senda gurau dan mereka telah terpedaya dengan kehidupan dunia. (Al-An’am:70) Sodaqallahul'azim

Allah Ta’ala berfirman tentang kaum yang mensia-siakan umurnya, bahawa mereka akan berkata:

"Betapa ruginya kami karena apa-apa yang telah kami lalaikan di dalamnya (dunia)"
(Al-An’am: 31)Sodaqallahul'azim

"Ya Allah, berikan petunjuk kepada pemuda-pemudi Islam menuju apa yang Engkau cintai dan redhai, dan penuhilah hati mereka dengan iman. Mudah-mudahan shalawat dan salam tercurahkan kepada nabi kita Muhammad saw.

Credit to : seraiwangi

"Jaga Diri, Hiasi Peribadi,
Moga Allah Senantiasa di Hati!"

Motivation of LIFE

The most difficult person to FACE in life is yourself.
A GRATEFUL heart is the cure for loneliness.
Do not judge the FUTURE by the past.
Never stop reaching for the GOAL in front.
Hold on to your BELIEF, then you will overcome difficulties.
TRIVIALITIES can accumulate to an important episode.
Kind DEEDS can bring good returns.
DREAM is our motivation in life.
WISDOM is to understand that the world is ever-changing.
SINCERITY is a natural spring of water.
Danger brings us TRUE friends.
SMILE is the first step of a new life.
So, go on with your life with a new spirit.
Everyday is a new day.

article source:
Picture source: credit to Miss Huda

Saturday, November 27, 2010

You are Matured Enough, If You ...

You can relax and be patient if your intention is not achieved.
You can hide your feelings are hurt and offended by someone in the group and accepted as normal.
You do not feel envy when seeing another person praised and honored.
You can face the hatred of people you really feel is not appropriate to them.
You can control the greedy desires, even if you want to get the things you think can be.
You can hold your heart pain and shame if you can not live on par with your other colleagues.
You continue to be fair and equitable even though the atmosphere around the block you mean.
You can accept criticism or misunderstanding of the non-besarkannya enlarge.
You look far into the future, for example, patiently bear the inconvenience for the sake of the future, without feeling restless, anxious and doubtful.
You consent to the opinions that you do not agree with the argument without feeling ill or uncomfortable.
You are blessed with having a favorite stand-alone or a hobby that really interest you.
You acknowledge honestly do not know if you really do not know, without feeling ashamed.
You deal with old people or those who are more influential without ever trying to cause negative effects.
You will try to do something simple rather excessive to show that you can do better.
You can advance the interests of others even if you do not feel happy for it.
You can apply fair and equitable to those who are not your favorite.
You can create a sense of love, in love or be friends without getting the key points in their lives.
If you are male, you can work or are friends with a woman without thinking that you are a man who so desire every woman.
If you are a woman, you can work or are friends with an honest man.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Click Image to Enlarge. 

.. And Allaah knows best. 

Qibla Locator

Qibla Locator is an application that shows the direction of Qiblat using Google Earth. You just need to find where you are and the direction of the position will be shown.

Qibla Locator (click here

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Dumpr is where you create marvellous photos to share with your friends.

Make your image effect now! Dumpr (click here)  

Monday, November 15, 2010


Flowers2mail is a website where we can send flowers online to anyone via email. Sending steps are very simple. The first step, to choose flowers that are provided by just drag into the pot. You can place a variety of flowers. Then you can select the flower pot and follow your own choice. After  writing your text and messages in the space provided. Lastly, you should be typing an email to the recipient, and you can choose the sent date and click send. Now you have sent flowers.

Send flower now - Flowers2mail (click here)

* If there is anyone to give me flowers to me, can email J 

Photo Effects and Picture Frames

Photo Effects and Picture Frames
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  • Online editor - works directly in your browser. 

Edit your image now! (Click here


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Choose from tons of unique frames to spice up your photos. Choose from stamps, canvas, wood, 35mm film, Polaroid, and more. Remember, if you frame it, it's art.

 I've got mine, do yours! - Framer (click here

In the making of BLOG

Basic needs:
  • A Blog.
  • Pictures.
  • Inspiration.
  • Something to write.
  •  Look at other people’s blogs. How do they write and "design" their post
  •  If you want your blog to be more interesting, make a personal header or find someone to make one for you. Something that "matches" your blog.
  • Same goes with the many most people have. Make it more "you" so it becomes more interesting.
Credit to Poisonkitten